A trust is an agreement between a group of individuals (called trustees) to manage property (movable or immovable including intellectual property rights) over which they have control either to benefit other individuals (called beneficiaries) or for charitable purposes. This group of trustees may be incorporated as a board under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 if the objects are charitable. A ...
Trademark Search Every business should always ensure that they register their brand with TradeMark Search authorities. Understandably, Founders / Owners have limited bandwidth, and resources to manage business and growth, however, registering a trademark is quite essential and non-registration of a mark can cost a lot. A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies products or services of ...
In December 2002 when the Parliament of India enacted the Securitisation Act 2002 (THE SECURITISATION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF FINANCIAL ASSETS AND ENFORCEMENT OF SECURITY INTEREST ACT), 2002), it paved the way for asset reconstruction business in India. Before the enactment of the Securitisation Act, of 2002, banks and financial institutions had no option but to enforce their security interests through ...
Cons Of Non-Compliance And Of Doing Your Books Of Accounts At One Go After quite a hectic day with 12 interviews, 3 calls with service providers, 20 customer calls, and a routine fire with the execution team, our co-founder on his way back home at 10.30 PM receives a call from Srini, founder of six months old start-up) frantically asking ...
Start-ups are becoming a buzz word and rightly so. Our honorable Prime Minister also made mention of Start-up India in his speech on Aug 15, 2015. Every month about 8000 company incorporations happen and almost ten times ideas emerge, are discussed, and debated. Upon incorporating a company entrepreneurs focus on building business, hiring employees, meeting customers, deciding marketing plans, putting ...
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a certain period. Intellectual Property can be protected in law by, for example, patents, copyrights, and trademarks, which enable people ...
One of the easiest and simplest forms to start a business in India is Sole proprietor. a CA or Sole Proprietor CA refers to only ONE owner. There may be employees or helpers hired under the owner, but there is only one head CA who administers, owns, and runs the Business. A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business owned managed and controlled ...
Entrepreneurs building businesses should always ensure that they register their brands with trademark authorities. Understandably, entrepreneurs have limited time, and resources to do everything, however, registering a trademark is quite essential and non-registration of TM can cost a lot. A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. ...
Property purchases in India require a significant amount of due diligence to ensure that what you are buying carries a perfect title and the property is free from any charge. As the cost involved in purchase is high, it’s always good that all property buyers get due diligence of property done by a qualified expert. We at Volody are experts and ...
Cash is kind, very right said. Cash is very important for all businesses. Funding is one of the key responsibilities of an Entrepreneur, Business Owner, and Corporate CEO. Well-funded businesses grow much faster and help maintain good morale and motivation levels of all (employees, vendors, and associates) this results in best in best-in-class product/service delivery, happy customers, happen creditors, vendors, ...
Preparation of Accounts and Financial Statements is mandatory for all companies as per the Companies Act, 2013. Private Limited Companies, Limited Companies, and One Person Companies are required to prepare proper financial statements. Further, the Financial Statements are required to be audited by a Chartered Accountant and filed along with the Annual Return to the Registrar of Companies. Any non-compliance ...
In India, there has been a Boom in Entrepreneurship over the Last Decade. People are willing to leave their comfortable, Safe Jobs and are opting for Risky but More rewarding Businesses. But the Major block faced by entrepreneurs is towards Financing their businesses, or when they need money for expansion. One of the Easiest ways out is a Loan against ...
Where there is a Will, there is a way. Who so ever coined this, would have never thought that this thought would pave its path so much so into the minds of the people that Without a WILL, there is NO WAY. In the absence of a Will to indicate your left-out wishes, the court steps in and distributes your assets in a ...
This is one inquiry that we get almost weekly from many entrepreneurs, fashion stylists, and professionals, we thought we could make your life easier by clarifying the air and a step-by-step process on how to get your Trademark Registered in India. A trademark is a kind of protected innovation or Intellectual Property of an Entity / Person (Called IP in ...