It’s been more than 120 days since maintaining of Digital Database for Insider Trading Compliance has become mandatory, SEBI in order to standardize the process for compliance violation reporting and to respond to various queries raised by corporate India, SEBI has come out with standard format for reporting of Insider Trading Compliance violations. The form clearly suggest that the Insider Trading Compliance Violation reporting is not only mandatory for listed companies, however, it also covers all intermediaries and fiduciaries. As a result even if you are a Bank, Rating Agency, Investment Bank, NBFC, Law firm, Auditor, Consultant or board member you are covered under ambit of SEBI Insider Trading Compliances.
Volody is committed to provide a comprehensive Insider Trading Compliance software and hence we have incorporated in-built feature of preparation of Insider Trading Compliance Violation form automatically.
Please reach out to us if you have still not decided on procuring mandatory Insider Trading Compliance Software or not happy with your existing solution.