Can Generative AI be trusted?
Find out more about the implications of generative ai

Can Lawyers trust Generative AI?


Generative AI: A Revolutionary Technology in the Legal Sector

Generative AI, a cutting-edge technology that has gained immense popularity in recent years, holds the potential to revolutionize various industries, including the legal sector. This article explores the fascinating realm of generative AI and its implications for the legal domain. By examining the benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations surrounding its implementation, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of whether it can be trusted in the legal sector.

The Rise of Generative AI

Understanding Generative AI and Its Applications

Generative AI refers to the use of machine learning algorithms to create or generate new and original content, such as text, images, or even music. Unlike traditional AI systems that rely on pre-existing data, generative AI has the remarkable ability to produce novel output that imitates human-like creativity. This technology has found applications in a wide range of fields, including art, marketing, and now, the legal sector.

Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy in Legal Processes

In the legal sector, it has the potential to streamline various processes, enabling legal professionals to work more efficiently and accurately. For instance, legal documents, such as contracts or briefs, often require extensive drafting and review. With generative AI, lawyers can leverage the technology to generate initial drafts, saving valuable time and resources. Furthermore, it can assist in legal research, analyzing vast amounts of case law and precedents to provide valuable insights and recommendations.

Benefits of Generative AI in the Legal Sector

Increased Productivity and Time Savings

Generative AI tools can significantly enhance productivity within the legal sector. By automating repetitive tasks, such as document drafting or legal research, legal professionals can focus on more complex and strategic aspects of their work. This increased efficiency not only saves time but also allows lawyers to handle a larger volume of cases, ultimately benefiting clients and improving access to justice.

Improved Accuracy and Quality of Work

Legal documents require precision and attention to detail. Generative AI can contribute to ensuring accuracy by identifying inconsistencies, grammar errors, or other potential issues in legal texts. Furthermore, generative AI-powered legal research can provide comprehensive analysis, considering a vast array of cases and legal precedents, resulting in more informed and robust legal arguments.

Cost-Effectiveness and Affordability

The implementation of the AI tools in the legal sector can also bring economic advantages. Automating certain tasks can reduce costs associated with manual labor and time-consuming processes. Small law firms and individuals with limited resources can benefit from generative AI tools, as they provide affordable alternatives to traditional legal services, making legal assistance more accessible to a broader population.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

Ensuring Data Privacy and Security

One of the primary concerns surrounding the use of AI in the legal sector is the protection of sensitive and confidential information. Legal documents often contain highly sensitive data, and it is crucial to ensure that generative AI systems comply with strict data privacy regulations. Robust security measures must be in place to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches that could compromise client confidentiality.

Ethical Implications of Generative AI-Generated Legal Content

As AI systems produce content that resembles human-generated work, ethical considerations arise. For instance, when using AI-generated drafts, should lawyers disclose that the document was partially or entirely generated by a machine? Transparency and ethical guidelines need to be established to address these concerns and ensure accountability in the legal profession.

Bias and Fairness in Generative AI-Generated Legal Analysis

The AI models are trained on large datasets, which may inherently contain biases present in the legal system. If not properly addressed, these biases can perpetuate inequities in the legal sector. Legal professionals must be vigilant in ensuring that AI-generated legal analysis remains fair, unbiased, and aligned with principles of justice and equality.

The case

Avianca Airlines Vs Roberto Mata

In a recent lawsuit, a man named Roberto Mata sued Avianca Airlines, alleging that he sustained an injury when a metal serving cart struck his knee during a flight to Kennedy International Airport in New York.

When the case was presented to a Manhattan federal judge, Avianca requested its dismissal. However, Mr. Mata’s lawyers strongly objected to this motion. They submitted a 10-page brief citing several court decisions, such as Martinez v. Delta Air Lines, Zicherman v. Korean Air Lines, and Varghese v. China Southern Airlines. These cases discussed federal law and the “tolling effect of the automatic stay on a statute of limitations.”

There was one problem, though: none of the decisions or quotations mentioned in the brief could be found by anyone, not even the airline’s lawyers or the judge himself.

This situation occurred because all the content was generated by ChatGPT. In an affidavit, the lawyer acknowledged that he had utilized an artificial intelligence program for his legal research. However, he now recognizes the unreliability of this source.

He is an experienced attorney from New York with a three-decade-long career, assured Judge P. Kevin Castel that he had no intention of misleading the court or the airline. He stated that he had never used the AI program previously and was unaware of the possibility that its content could be inaccurate. He even asked the program to verify the authenticity of the cases, and it confirmed their legitimacy.

This makes one rethink about using generative ai. This same concern applies to other generative chat-based AI programs, such as Google’s Bard. In a recent report, Bard was presented with 100 different prompts, each seeking explanations for various forms of online misinformation. Alarmingly, Bard generated false content related to those topics in 76 out of 100 instances.

The concern regarding ChatGPT lies more in its output rather than its input. Since the tool operates autonomously, there is no vetting process to determine the information it chooses to provide.

Volody’s AI Contract Lifecycle Management Software

Step into the future of contract management with Volody’s AI Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) system. Unlike generic generative AI, Volody’s AI CLM is specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of legal teams, revolutionizing the way lawyers handle contracts.

Gone are the days of time-consuming tasks and manual document review. Volody’s AI CLM swiftly processes and analyzes legal information using powerful natural language processing (NLP) algorithms. With this cutting-edge technology, lawyers save precious time, allowing them to focus on high-value legal work.

Volody’s AI CLM acts as an intelligent assistant, meticulously scanning contracts for inconsistencies and highlighting potential pitfalls. Its advanced features ensure accuracy and consistency in contract analysis, reducing the risk of errors.

But that’s not all—Volody’s AI CLM is a comprehensive solution that simplifies every step of the contract lifecycle. From drafting and negotiating to reviewing and renewing, this powerhouse system streamlines the entire process.

Unlike generic generative AI platforms, Volody’s AI CLM is purpose-built for legal teams. It understands the specific challenges faced by lawyers and seamlessly integrates them into their workflows. This tailored approach enhances efficiency and amplifies the capabilities of legal professionals.


Generative AI has the potential to transform the legal sector, offering increased productivity, accuracy, and affordability. However, legal professionals must carefully address challenges related to data privacy, ethical considerations, and bias. By implementing proper guidelines, regulations, and continuous monitoring, they can harness generative AI as a valuable tool that complements their expertise, ultimately benefiting clients and society as a whole. Embracing this technology with caution and vigilance will pave the way for a more efficient and effective legal system.

Volody is a pioneer in Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software since 2016. Our innovative AI-powered software automates tasks, extracts insights, & improves efficiency. Volody has delivered exceptional results for numerous firms, including small businesses & Fortune 500 companies across the globe. In the fast-paced world of CLM software, Volody stands as a consistent innovator & a partner you can trust.